This Gardener

When Do Potatoes Flower: Seasons and Factors to Consider

The potato plant undergoes several distinct growth stages, but when do potatoes flower? Flowering is a significant milestone in the potato plant’s life cycle. It not only adds visual appeal to the plants but also signifies an important transition.

In the following sections, we will delve into the intriguing world of potato flowering, exploring the seasons and essential factors that influence this captivating phenomenon. So, follow us to the end of this article to discover the correct answer.


When Do Potatoes Flower?

Flowers are a natural part of the plant’s life cycle and contribute to the plant’s reproduction process, leading to the development of potato berries containing seeds. These berries and seeds are not typically used for propagation, as potatoes are primarily grown from tubers rather than potato seeds.

When Do Potatoes Flower

Potatoes, which are perennial plants, typically flower during specific seasons depending on various factors. The following points and seasons should be considered when discussing potato plant flowering:

1. Variety

Different potato varieties have varying flowering times:

  • Generally, potato plants start to flower when they reach a certain stage of maturity.
  • This usually occurs about 8 to 10 weeks after planting.
  • Although main crop potatoes generally flower in the mid to late summer.
  • Some varieties may have an early flowering period, while others may flower later.

2. Daylight Duration

Potatoes are classified as either short-day or long-day plants, depending on their response to daylight length.

Short-day potatoes typically require shorter daylight periods to trigger flowering, while long-day potatoes need longer daylight periods. The duration of daylight affects the flowering time of potato plants.

When Do Potatoes Flower Daylight Duration

3. Climate and Temperature

Temperature plays a crucial role in potato plant flowering.

  • Seed Potatoes generally require cool temperatures for optimal growth and flowering.
  • Most varieties tend to flower when the average temperatures are between 60 to 70°F (15 to 21°C).
  • However, extreme heat or cold temperatures can delay or inhibit flowering potato plant.

4. Photoperiod

The length of the day and night cycles, known as photoperiod, affects potato flowering.

  • Typically, potatoes need a specific amount of darkness to initiate the flowering process.
  • The critical photoperiod for inducing flowering in potatoes is around 10-12 hours of continuous darkness.

5. Planting Time

When you plant seed potatoes can impact their flowering time.

  • Early-planted potatoes tend to have a longer growth period, which may result in earlier flowering.
  • Late-planted potato crop might flower later due to a shorter growing season.
When Do Potatoes Flower Planting Time
Note: Considering these factors, the general flowering time for potato plants can vary. Early-flowering varieties may start to flower around 7 to 10 weeks after planting, while late-flowering varieties may take 12 to 16 weeks or more.

Are Potatoes Ready to Harvest When They Flower?

Potatoes are not typically ready to harvest when they flower. Potato flowering is a natural part of the plant’s reproductive cycle and does not necessarily indicate that the tubers are ready for harvest.

  • The flowering stage occurs after the potato plants have undergone a period of vegetative growth.
  • Potato tubers develop underground, and their maturity depends on various factors such as variety, planting time, and growing potatoes conditions.
  • The tubers need time to grow and develop, accumulating starches and reaching their full size before they are ready to be harvested.
  • The best way to determine if a potato plant is ready for harvest is to monitor the plant’s growth and check the maturity of the tubers.
  • Generally, you should wait until the foliage of the potato plants starts to die back or turn yellow. This indicates that the plant has entered the senescence stage, and the larger tubers have reached maturity.
  • Before harvesting your potatoes, it’s important to gently dig around the base of the plants and check the size and quality of the potatoes. Mature potatoes should have developed a thick skin, and their size should be suitable for the variety being grown.
  • Additionally, you can perform a taste test on a sample tuber to ensure that the flavor and texture are to your liking.
Are Potatoes Ready to Harvest When They Flower
Important! Keep in mind that the exact timing of potato harvest can vary depending on factors such as the specific variety, local climate, and personal preferences.

What Do Potato Plant Flowers Look Like

The potato plant flower is small, delicate, and usually quite inconspicuous. The flowers of potato plants are typically white or light pink in color, and they grow in clusters on long stems called flower stalks or peduncles.

Here are some key characteristics of potato plant flowers:

  • Shape: Potato plants flower has a bell-shaped appearance, with five lobes or petals. Each petal is fused at the base, forming a distinctive tubular shape.
  • Size: The individual flowers are relatively small, usually measuring around 1 to 2 inches or 2.5 to 5 centimeters in diameter.
  • Color: As mentioned earlier, potato flowers are usually white or light pink, though some varieties may have variations in color.
  • Position: The flowers emerge from the leaf axils, which are the points where the leaves meet the stems. They develop along the length of the flower stalk.
  • Fertility: Potato plant flowering can be self-pollinated, meaning they have both male and female reproductive parts. However, they are also adapted for cross-pollination through insect activity.
What Do Potato Plant Flowers Look Like
Note: Not all potato plants will necessarily produce flowers. Some varieties are more prone to flowering than others.

Digging Potatoes Before Flowering: Is It Advisable?

Potato plant undergoes stages of growth, including vegetative growth, flowering, and tuber production. Flowering is an important milestone indicating that the tubers are maturing and developing underground.

Digging potatoes before they flower is a matter of interest for you. While waiting for flowering is generally recommended for optimal yields, there are valid reasons to harvest your potatoes before this stage.

  • Harvesting before flowering may be necessary for early or “new” potatoes with small sizes and delicate flavors.
  • Environmental factors like adverse weather conditions or specific cultivation purposes may also warrant you to harvest early.
Digging Potatoes Before Flowering
Important! When you harvest potatoes before flowering, it may result in smaller tuber sizes and reduced overall potato yield compared to when you harvest after flowering.

Unveiling the Fruits of Potato Flowers

Beyond the beauty of potato flowers, have you ever wondered what fruits they can produce? Contrary to common belief, potato flowers can produce fruit that looks like small green cherry tomatoes. However, these potato fruit is not edible due to their toxicity.

  • The primary purpose of potato fruit is for seed production, enabling the breeding of new potato varieties with desirable traits.
  • While not all potato plants produce fruit consistently, these berries play a crucial role in creating genetic diversity and improving potato crops.

Can I Eat the Fruits From Potato Plant Flowers?

It is not advisable to eat the fruits from potato plant flowers. The small green berries that develop from potato flowers contain toxic substances called glycoalkaloids, specifically:

  • Solanine,
  • Chaconine.
Can I Eat the Fruits From Potato Plant Flowers

Consuming potato fruit from potato plants flower can lead to adverse health effects. Therefore, it is important to avoid eating the green cherry tomatoes lookalike from potato plant flowers and focus on consuming the edible tubers instead.

Should Potato Flowers and Potato Fruits Be Removed?

It’s worth noting that removing potato flowers is not a necessary step for successful potato cultivation. The plant will naturally drop its flowers after they have been pollinated and begin to set fruit.

Please read more details about this topic in my recent article “Should I Remove Potato Fruit“.

What Else Can Potato Flowers Indicate?

Potato blossoms can provide valuable information about the health and condition of your potato plants. Here are a few things that potato flowers can indicate:

What Else Can Potato Flowers Indicate
  • Plant Maturity: Potato plant flower typically appears later in the growing season. The presence of flowers indicates that your potato plants have reached a certain level of maturity and are progressing toward the end of their growth cycle.
  • Pollination: Potato flower requires pollination to set fruit. If you notice bees, butterflies, or other pollinators visiting your potato plant, it is a good sign that the flowers are being successfully pollinated. Proper pollination increases the chances of potato plant fruit development.
  • Environmental Conditions: The health and appearance of potato flowers can also provide insights into the overall growing conditions. For example, if your potato plants are experiencing stress due to drought or nutrient deficiencies, the flowers may be smaller or exhibit signs of wilting. On the other hand, healthy and vibrant flowers indicate favorable growing potatoes condition.
  • Disease and Pest Presence: In some cases, potato flower can also serve as an early indicator of certain diseases or pest infestations. For instance, if you observe discoloration, spots, or abnormal growth on the flowers, it could be a sign of fungal or bacterial diseases affecting your potato plants. Similarly, the presence of pests like aphids or Colorado potato beetle on the flowers may indicate an infestation that requires attention.


How long after flowering do you get potatoes?

After the potato plants flower, it usually takes about 2 to 4 weeks for the potatoes to be ready for harvest. The flowering stage indicates that the plant is nearing the end of its life cycle, and the potatoes will continue to grow and mature underground.

What season do potatoes bloom?

They usually bloom in the summer, during the long days when they receive about 15 hours of daylight. The exact timing of blooming can vary depending on the potato variety and growing conditions, but it typically occurs in mid to late summer.

Are potatoes done when they flower?

Potato plants produce flowers, but flowering alone does not indicate that the potatoes are ready for harvest. Instead, the potato tubers’ maturity and the foliage’s condition are better indicators.


Potatoes produce flowers during the summer months, but the exact timing can vary depending on the specific variety, location, and weather. Adequate sunlight, temperature, and moisture levels are crucial for the plant’s growth and flowering.

Potato flowers provide valuable information about the health and condition of potato plants, such as plant maturity, pollination, environmental conditions, and potential disease or pest presence.

What has been your experience with the flowering time of potato plants in your garden or farm? Share your insights and observations with us! Thanks for reading.

Jessica Zander

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