This Gardener

Potato Rooster: 7 Nutrition Parameters with Detailed Description

Kind of Potato Rooster includes a wide range of nutrients, from micronutrients like vitamins and minerals to macronutrients like proteins and carbohydrates. You may be surprised to learn about the impressive amounts of vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber they contain.

Let’s explore seven key nutrition parameters associated with potatoes, shedding light on their composition and how they contribute to our health!


Rooster Potatoes

Rooster potatoes typically have a medium to tall height plant with thick stems that produce flowers in shades of red or violet. These flowers add a pop of color to the potato plants and can be quite attractive.

  • Rooster potatoes are celebrated for their eye-catching appearance, with their distinct earthy and nutty flavor profile.
  • They strike a delicate balance between starchy and waxy, making them suitable for a wide range of culinary creations.
Potato Rooster

Nutritional Values of Rooster Potatoes

Rooster offers impressive nutritional value, being a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Rooster potatoes provide a moderate amount of calories and are relatively low in fat. These potatoes also contain essential vitamins and minerals, with notable amounts of vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B6, and iron.

  • Vitamin C is known for its antioxidant properties and its role in supporting the immune system.
  • Potassium is important for maintaining proper heart and muscle function, while vitamin B6 contributes to brain development and function.
  • Iron is essential for red blood cell production and oxygen transport in the body.

Nutrition Table


Amount per 100g


77 kcal


17.5 g


2 g


0.1 g


2.2 g

Vitamin C

24 mg


429 mg

Vitamin B6

0.3 mg


1.2 mg

Note: Nutrient values may vary slightly depending on the size and cooking method of the potatoes.

Potato Variety Rooster and 9 Important Things to Learn about Them

Rooster potatoes belong to the maincrop maturity potatocategory which is harvested later in the year and usually has higher yields. This table summarises the potato characteristics we would be explaining below.



Variety Name





2 g

Inception Year




Skin Color

Dull red-skinned

Flesh Color





Firm, waxy


Earthy, nutty



Disease Resistance

Higher resistance to common scab, powdery

scab, and potato viruses


Good storage ability

Culinary Rating and use

Excellent taste, Roasted steamed, and baked

So, let us discuss the features extensively below.

1. Origin

The Rooster potato variety originated in Ireland. It was first developed by the Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Teagasc) and was released in 1991.

2. Productivity

Rooster potatoes are known for their high yield potential. They typically produce potatoes of medium-smooth to large-sized ones. The dry matter capable content of the potatoes is relatively high, which means they have a dense and firm texture when cooked.

3. Versatile Cooking Applications

Rooster potatoes are highly regarded as general-purpose potatoes, they have a distinct flavor and a creamy texture. They are useful for mashed chipped roasted steamed recipes. These potatoes have low to medium dry matter, and a higher water content, resulting in a softer and moister texture when cooked.

Potato Rooster Versatile Cooking Applications

4. Appearance

Rooster potatoes are a variety of uniform-shaped potatoes oval-slightly round potatoes that possess potato characteristics large in size. Their deep dull red skin with yellow flesh adds to their unique appearance.

5. Foliage

The plants of the Rooster potato variety have a semi-upright growth habit. They produce medium-sized foliage with dark green leaves. Rooster potatoes are typically grown as maincrop potatoes, taking around 110-120 days to mature after planting.

6. Defenses Against Diseases

The potatoes exhibit medium resistance to high resistance to common scabs, powdery scabs, blackleg, Potato Leafroll Virus, and late blight on tubers. However, these potatoes have a low resistance to Potato Cyst Nematode.

Potato Rooster Defenses Against Diseases

7. Resistance to Pests

These potatoes are not specifically bred for resistance to pests. They may be susceptible to pests such as potato tuber moths, potato aphids, and potato flea beetles.

8. Durability During Handling and Storage

Rooster potatoes have relatively good resistance to mechanical damage during harvesting and handling. The thin but sturdy skin helps protect the tubers from bruising and cuts.

9. Preservation

Rooster potatoes can be preserved by storing them in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated place. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight, as it can cause greening and spoilage.

Potato Rooster Preservation

How to Plant Rooster Potatoes

To grow Rooster potatoes, start by selecting certified seed potatoes of the Rooster variety. Allow them to sprout for 4-6 weeks before planting.

  • Prepare the planting area by loosening the soil and removing any weeds or debris.
  • Plant the sprouted seed potatoes with the sprouts facing up, about 12-15 inches apart, and 3-4 inches deep.
  • Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged as the plants grow.
  • Mound up soil around the thick stems or base of the plants to promote tuber development and protect them from sunlight.
  • Apply a balanced fertilizer or compost at planting time and consider additional fertilization during the growing season.
  • Monitor the plants for pests and diseases and take appropriate control measures if needed.
  • Harvest the potatoes when the foliage turns yellow and starts to die back.
  • Allow them to dry on the soil surface before splitting storage rooster potatoes or use.
How to Plant Rooster Potatoes

Our Verdict – Are Rooster Potatoes Good to Use?

Rooster potatoes are a reliable and valuable choice that deserves a place in your kitchen. Not only do they offer a delicious earthy and nutty flavor, but they also provide a range of essential nutrients:

  • High vitamin C content,
  • Potassium,
  • Dietary fiber,
  • Other vitamins and minerals.
Our Verdict - Are Rooster Potatoes Good to Use


Is there a potato called Rooster?

Yes, there is a potato variety called Rooster. It is a well-known and popular type of potato.

Where are Rooster potatoes grown?

Rooster potatoes are grown in various regions due to their popularity but originated in Ireland.

Do Rooster potatoes store well?

Rooster potatoes have good storage capabilities when stored under proper conditions. They can maintain their quality and freshness for a relatively long period.

Is Rooster a floury potato?

Yes, Floury potatoes have a higher starch content and a drier texture, making them ideal for mashed roasted steamed, and baked.

Are Rooster potatoes healthy?

Yes, they are healthy. they are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins C and B6, and potassium.


Rooster potatoes are a popular and versatile variety known for their deep dull red-skinned. Their delicious taste, versatile culinary applications, resistance to pests and diseases, and nutritional value make them an excellent option for growing and creating flavorful meals.

Have you ever tried Rooster potatoes in your cooking? Leave your answer in the comment section. Thanks for reading.

Jessica Zander

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