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Best Snowblower For Elderly People [Top Picks 2023]

There is a review of the Best Snowblower For Elderly People in 2023.

So, I:

●          purchased 1 Snowblower For Elderly People

●          spent over 50 hours testing by myself

●          spent more than 20 hours talking to real press owners

●          have included both objective and subjective tests, real pros and… cons did not receive any funds from manufacturers for my assessments.

So, I am confident that I have identified the Best Snowblower For Elderly People:

I’ve thoroughly reviewed the Best Snowblower For Elderly People in 2023, and I’m excited to share my findings to assist others in making well-informed decisions:

“I’ve had the privilege of testing various snow blowers, and I’m here to offer insights that can guide your choices:

“While the effectiveness of this snow blower is evident, it’s disheartening to acknowledge how global warming has impacted snowfall patterns. Despite this concern, the machine’s performance is commendable. However, in the mid-Atlantic where snowfall has become limited, I’ve had fewer opportunities to fully utilize its capabilities. One remarkable shift that’s occurred is my transition to the corded SnoJoe, which has revolutionized my snow-clearing experience. It enables me to efficiently tackle areas in my backyard that were previously challenging to reach with my larger gas-powered snow blower. Maneuvering on grass has its complexities, but the corded SnoJoe tackles this effortlessly and creates ample space for my dogs to roam. While the snow blower’s lightweight build might not boast the sturdiest construction, its affordability compensates for this aspect. It adeptly handles lighter snow, yet it does face some struggles when confronted with heavier or deeper snow, which is a common scenario in snowy regions like Colorado. Another noteworthy aspect is the chute design, which occasionally leads to snow buildup. Considering this, an upgrade to a larger size would be more suitable for those residing in areas prone to heavy snowfall.”

by me – Andrea H

I also received insightful feedback from one of our readers about the RCBS Chargemaster, which I’m eager to share:

“In my mountainous locale, heavy snowfall is a regular occurrence. This snowblower’s performance during a single winter surpassed my expectations. However, I did observe that the rubber scrapers wear out relatively quickly, affecting the blower’s balance. Despite this setback, its power and efficiency shine when handling over 8 inches of semi-melted snow, a testament to its impressive capabilities. This snow blower has been an indispensable companion during my winter driveway endeavors. While budget constraints were a consideration, I was determined to find a cost-effective solution that wouldn’t compromise on performance. Admittedly, the narrow clearing width posed some limitations, prompting me to contemplate a wider option for the future. Cord management and maneuvering require some effort, but the electric start stands out as a prominent feature that distinguishes it from its gas-powered counterparts. All in all, it’s a dependable and efficient choice for snow removal.”

by Gordon F.

In my upcoming blog post, I will delve into the thorough evaluation of Snowblower For Elderly People, exploring its merits and potential drawbacks. I’ll also highlight essential reloading features and provide valuable tips for maximizing its use. Let’s embark on this informative journey together!


Best Snowblower For Elderly People. Snowblowers Comparison Table

You can freely choose from the electric or gas snow blowers on the market. Also, you can opt for single-stage, two-stage, or three-stage models. For this review, we’ve selected a handful of the best snowblowers that run on electricity and gas, and if you’re an elderly person, you’ll not find them difficult to use. Check out our top comparison table.

Briggs & Stratton


Troy-Bilt Storm



13 Amp 20-Inch






Clearing depth:




Clearing width:






Buying A Snowblower For Elderly People? Here’s What You Should Know.

Let me quickly point out that this buying guide is somewhat applicable to other snow blowers on the market. The key difference here is that the models we’re reviewing all run on gas and are somewhat suited for older adults. Having that in mind, let’s proceed.

Type of Snowblower

There are different types of blowers on the market ranging from electric to track drive models, single-stage, two-stage, and three-stage blowers. These snow blowers are suited for use in different areas and conditions. For instance, a single-stage snow blower may only remove about 12” to 18” of snow compared to up to 23” on three-stage models. The single-stage models are suitable for paved surfaces while the three-stage models are great for use on both paved and gravel surfaces.

Read The Full Buying Guide

The Single-Stage Snow Blower for Elderly People

They are frequently referred to as snow throwers because they do not blow snow but rather throw it down a snow chute.

The single-stage snow thrower is ideal for light and wet snow that is less than a foot deep. Single-stage blower features one auger that pulls snow into a chute that sweeps snow away from a walkway or driveway.

Single-stage blower works best on paved areas and, depending on the model, can also move mushy snow. This unit is lightweight and tiny, making it easy to maneuver in limited places.

They are normally 18 to 24 inches wide. Because of their modest height, they can only handle about 8-10 inches of snow at a time. They often lack a self-propelled element.

The Two-Stage Snow BloweR for Elderly People

A two-stage snow blower features an auger and impeller, which allows it to move more snow than a single-stage snow blower. A two-stage blower can typically move up to two feet of snow over a large area, even in heavy, wet, and treacherous snow.

Most of these two-stage snow blowers have an electric push-button start, skid shoes to help the equipment collect snow on gravel and other uneven terrains, and other features that single-stage thrower do not have.

The Three-Stage Snow Blower for Elderly People

These types are good for heavier snow because their auger, impeller, and accelerator allow them to move significant amounts of snow faster than a dual-stage blower.

Three-stage snow blowers can typically handle snow up to two feet deep, while some customers report that some models can successfully remove snow up to three feet deep. Some variants can also fling snow up to 50 feet distant.


Electric Snow Blowers

Electric snow blowers are quieter and more environmentally friendly than gas-powered models because they do not require gas or oil. They are also less in weight and hence easier to store. Most have a push button start so you don’t have to worry about tearing out your arm to pull a rope to get it going.

Electric blowers are an excellent resource for clearing off decks and patios, stairways, walkways, and shorter roads due to their requirements. They are useful and frequently affordable to keep on hand for the occasional snowfall, and they make clearing out your yard a breeze.

Let’s look into some characteristics of the best snow blowers for elderly people so you can decide which is suitable for Senior citizens.

Chute Control

The chute control determines the direction the snow is blown. Consider a model with a crank or lever chute if you want to turn the chute without stopping. If you don’t intend to turn the chute frequently, a manual chute may suffice.

Manual Chutes

Manual chutes do not have a device to reduce your workload. Each pass will need you to manually turn around the chute.

This strategy can be inconvenient for the elderly, making the process much more difficult. Manual cheats, on the other hand, are less expensive than their crank or lever counterparts.

Lever Chutes

The lever chute is widely regarded as the most user-friendly chute available on electric snow throwers. To turn the chute right or left, use a lever that you press in and pull out. The simple motion allows the chute to be directed without halting.

Crank Chutes

Crank chutes are operated by turning the handle. To turn from one direction to the other, numerous cranks are required. Rotating the handle clockwise spins the chute one way, while counter-clockwise turns the chute the opposite way.

Quick Start

Pulling a snow blower cord in cold weather is dangerous for elders, which is why many gas-powered and electric snow throwers have an auto-electric start button.

Best snow blower for eldery people


Due to their efficient and effective quality of clearing deep and heavy snowfall, gasoline-powered snowblowers dominate the industry share of snow blowers for the elderly, depending on fuel type.

The gas-powered snow blower comes in a variety of models and sizes, with various characteristics such as self-propulsion that make it more convenient.

On the other hand, an electric snow thrower is likely to provide a large industry share. Their popularity is growing due to their lightweight and silent nature.

Size and Weight

The weight of a snowblower is primarily determined by its type:

  • Single-stage snowblowers are the lightest.
  • Two-stage snowblowers are often substantially heavier.
  • Three-stage snowblowers are in the same weight class. Electric snow blowers can be heavier than gas blowers because of the weight of the batteries.
  • Tractor-mounted snow blowers are among the most powerful snow blowers.


There is no getting around the fact that a snow blower is a piece of hefty gear. As a result, its design and thus mobility plays a significant role in your decision here.

When we say “excellent maneuverability” in our reviews, we are referring to how easy it is to operate, control, turn, and push the snowblower.


Electric snow blowers, particularly cordless electric throwers, require less maintenance. The only significant upkeep is charging or replacing the batteries. Look for a warranty that is at least two years long.

Cordless snow blowers frequently include a charger that connects to an electrical outlet, and as long as the battery-powered snow blowers is fully charged, you’ll be able to clear snow from your driveway with the push of a button.

Clearing Width and Depth

Considering the size of the route, the snow blower can create with each pass. Normal clearing widths fall between 18 and 22 inches. However, more powerful models may be able to clear 30 inches or more, while more affordable ones may be able to clear even less.

Gas snow blowers can clear 18 to 36 inches of snow every pass. A cordless snow thrower can clear 18 to 24 inches of snow every pass. Snow blowers with cords clear between 15 and 22 inches per pass.

Cordless best snow shovels such as Snow Joe and Greenworks can clear 10 to 13 inches of as much snow every pass.


Usage Surface & Snow Depth

On what kind of surface do you intend to use the blower? As we mentioned earlier, some blowers are designed to work on many surfaces while others can only work on one surface. If you have a gravel driveway and a paved surface to clear the snow from, a three-stage model is your best bet. Again, you should take note of the depth of the snow. Not paying proper attention to the depths of snow your blower can remove can be frustrating. If you live in an area that is prone to heavy snowing, you’re better off with a snowblower that can reach your desired snow depths.

Gas or Electric

If you’re a green lifestyle enthusiast, a gas snow blower isn’t for you. We recommend an electric single-stage model like the Snow Joe SJ627E Snow Thrower. For the gas-powered blowers, you should be prepared to deal with the noise, gas, and oil changes. On the other hand, the electric models will either be corded or cordless. You will need a long power extension for the corded models depending on the size of the area you intend to clear.

Meanwhile, the cordless models will require long-lasting batteries or, sometimes, more than one battery to keep it running for longer periods. If you opt for any of the models, you should consider the cc/amp rating of the blower—the more the rating, the better the ability of the blower to handle the snow.

Auger & Blades

Augers are saddled with the task of clearing and shooting the snow away through the chute. If your auger doesn’t have a strong blade, you’ll spend more time clearing the snow. Augers are made from either steel, plastic, or rubber. The plastic augers break easily although they can be used for clearing all types of snow. On the other hand, the steel auger will remove hardened snow while the rubber auger will remove non-hardened snow.

The rubber auger is perfect for removing snow from gravel driveways. The more the number of blades the blower has, the faster you’ll clear the snow. You should also consider the size of the blades on the blower. The larger the blades, the bigger the blower will be. Most of the blowers on the market have 18-inch blades and above.


Before storing a snowblower, it must be thoroughly cleaned and dried. To accomplish this, spray the machine with a low-pressure hose. Scrub the outside with mild dish soap, paying special attention to places where grime and salt accumulate.

Another thing to do is to allow the equipment to dry in the sunlight and dry accessible portions before storing it.

However, do not leave the snow blower in the sun for more than a few hours.

Snow blowers can be stored both indoors and outdoors.

The next best alternative is to place your blower in your shed—just keep it covered up like you would in the garage.


When it comes to affordable snow blowers for the elderly, the most common options are cordless and corded electric snow blowers.

They have advantages and downsides as compared to gas-powered machines, but the biggest advantage (apart from their usually lower cost) is their run time.

Corded electric models do not need to be refilled, while cordless snow blower only require a fresh battery or some time to recharge before being used again.

Noise pollution

Snow blower noise pollution can be detrimental to your hearing. As a result, while you’re out clearing snow, you should wear earplugs.



Like every other product on the market, you should get a blower that gives a decent warranty. Thankfully, you’ll find models with over one-year warranties. Grab them, especially if they meet your preferences and budget.


The brand, fuel type, and specification heavily influence the price of a snowblower. According to our study, a single-stage snowblower costs between $200 and $800. Two-stage snowblowers range in price from $600 to $3000, while three-stage snowblowers start at $1300.

An electric snow blower is generally less expensive than a gas version, and a track-driven machine is more expensive than a wheeled snowblower. According to our findings, the clearing breadth and augur diameter impact the pricing less.

Extra Features

An additional feature to look out for is returning the wheel because this feature is important on heavy snow blowers for elderly (28 inches and greater) since it improves handling.

Another one is an electric start-up which is why many gas-powered models now offer plug-in electric starting for use near an outlet. The headlight is also an extra feature, it increases your visibility to cars and the snow plow at the end of the driveway.

Best Snow Blower For Elderly People: Our Reviews

Here’s what we think about the units we handpicked.

1. Briggs & Stratton 1022 Snow Blower  – Best Overall

This Briggs & Stratton 1022 snowblower is our top pick for a couple of reasons. First, it offers about 22 inches of clearing width, arguably one of the largest in the market. Then it goes a step further to offer a three-year warranty against the two-year warranty you’ll find on some of its rival models on the market.

If you’re not a fan of gas snow blowers, you can opt for the electric version of this particular unit. However, for this review, our focus is on the gas models. As mentioned earlier, this Briggs & Stratton snowblower has a 12.5-inch intake height paired with a 22-inch clearing width. This can help you move large amounts of snow within a short period of time.

The unit draws power from a 208cc 950 snow series engine that delivers 9.50 lb-ft of torque. It’s powerful, and it’s efficient. You get features like a recoil start, a deflector, and manual chute rotation. This snow blower is compatible with synthetic oil.

  • Greatest deals available.
  • Handles wetter snow.
  • Lightweight snow blower.
  • Simple to use.
  • Lacks remote chute controls.
  • Plastic auger.
  • Frequently troublesome.

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2. Snow Joe SJ623E Electric Single Stage Snow – Best Single Stage Snow Blower

Snow Joe SJ623E Electric Single Stage Snow

Features: Weighs about 34lbs, 25ft max throw distance, 4-blade steel auger, suitable for mid-sized driveways, 15-amp motor clears 18-inch wide and 10-inch deep snow, adjustable chute, 23W halogen light for working at night, etc.

As an experienced gardener, my experience using the Snow Joe SJ623E Electric Single Stage Snow Blower can be summarized as follows:

The snow blower is excellent, but unfortunately, the changing climate patterns have left me with limited opportunities to use it effectively in the mid-Atlantic region.

This snow blower is lightweight and reasonably priced, though it’s not the most robustly built product. It’s suited for lighter snow, but struggles with heavier or wetter snow, especially in regions like Denver where significant snowfall occurs. The chute design also leaves room for improvement, as snow buildup can occur due to a gap in the connection. For areas like Colorado, I’d recommend considering a larger size option for better performance.

I’ve found a specific purpose for the corded SnoJoe snow blower – clearing off a grassy area where my larger gas-powered Toro struggles. While maneuvering on grass is a bit more challenging, the SnoJoe handles the task with minimal effort, creating space for my dogs to go outside and stretch their legs.

Having utilized the snowblower in a mountainous region with substantial snowfall, I’m highly impressed with its performance. It’s powerful enough to handle over 8 inches of semi-melted snow on large driveways. However, I’ve noticed the rubber scrapers wearing out, affecting balance. Replacing these scrapers annually is essential to maintain optimal performance. Overall, despite encountering a missing part and minor issues, the Snow Joe SJ623E has proven its efficiency and power, especially for smaller snowfall situations.

  • Versatile.
  • Powerful.
  • Adjustable chute.
  • Steel auger.
  • An onboard chute clean-out tool.
  • 20 W halogen lamp.
  • Plastic snow chute.
  • Heavy at 34 pounds.
  • The priciest snow blowers of its size.

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3. Troy-Bilt Storm 2420 – Best Two-Stage Snowblower

It is powered by a powerful Troy-Bilt 208cc 4-cycle OHV engine with electric start capability, and a self-propelled drive system, the Troy-Bilt Storm 2420 provides the power and convenience you need to make snow removal service less of a chore.

This compact two-stage gas-powered Troy-Bilt features a clearance width of 24 inches and an electric start. With tough, 12-inch sharpened steel augers intended to quickly clear up to 12-inch of icy snow.

  • Easy and sharp turning.
  • Dependable.
  • Versatile.
  • High forward and reverse speed.
  • Polymer discharge Chute.
  • Extremely rugged.
  • Belts may need to be adjusted often.
  • Clogged carburetor.

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4. Greenworks 13 Amp 20-Inch Corded Snow Blower – Best Budget Snow Blower

Greenworks 13 Amp 20-Inch Corded Snow Blower

Features: Corded electric 13 amp motor, 20-inch clearing path, 10-inch clearing depth, 180-degree directional chute, 7-inch wheels for greater mobility, etc.

My experience using the Greenworks 13 Amp 20-Inch Corded Snow Blower can be summarized as follows:

I purchased this model last January as I was struggling with constant snowfall due to my health problems and living in a mountainous area in Colorado. Despite costing less, it proved to be a worthy investment. Getting accustomed to managing the 100′ extension cord took only a few minutes, and it performed admirably on my unpaved driveway, effortlessly handling plow berms. I regret not buying it sooner.

This snow blower strikes a balance between being lightweight enough for an arthritic woman and being tough for challenging terrain. Assembly was straightforward, and I appreciate that it’s made in the USA.

It’s important to note that this snow blower is most effective with snow depths of 2-3 inches, struggling with more than 4-5 inches. I found the assembly process manageable, and though we had minimal snow during winter 2022, it worked well for our needs. It’s a valuable addition for an all-female household, providing a solution that’s easy for everyone to handle.

Due to a lack of snow this winter, I haven’t had the opportunity to fully test this snow blower. Nonetheless, its lightweight nature and straightforward assembly make it a promising choice. I used it a couple of times with varying snow depths and found that it worked better for around 2 inches of snow. It’s not as powerful as some gas-powered alternatives but offers a good balance between performance and ease of use. However, I did encounter issues with the lights flickering during use, and I’m in touch with customer service to address this concern.

  • Powerful electric snow blowers.
  • Adjustable handle for convenience.
  • Relatively inexpensive.
  • Easy to move.
  • Light weight.
  • Struggles on wet snow.
  • The cord limits your range.

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5. Toro Power Max HD 828 – Best Gas-Powered Snow Blowers for elderly people

Toro Power Max HD 828

The Toro Power Max HD 828 has truly transformed my snow-clearing experience. Living in a mountainous region in Colorado, I needed a reliable machine to tackle the heavy snowfall. This snow blower effortlessly handles the task, even propelling wet snow up to 40 feet with ease, thanks to its impressive power and clog-free design. I’m thoroughly satisfied with its performance and can hardly find any fault, aside from wishing for an off switch for the light. Its maneuverability, coupled with its robust operation, makes it a valuable addition to my toolkit.

I acquired the Power Max HD 828 following a 7-inch snowfall last January. While subsequent snowfall has been limited, I’ve utilized it to carve paths on grass, such as to my bird feeder about 20 feet from the driveway. The machine’s capabilities extend beyond paved surfaces, demonstrating its versatility.

Having a history of using Cub Cadet products, I switched to the Toro Power Max HD 828 due to disappointing experiences with other brands. This snow blower lives up to its advertised features: the steering assist is effective, the 252cc engine delivers impressive power, and it starts effortlessly. Surprisingly, it doesn’t require shear pins, which I initially doubted. The machine easily hurls snow over 40 feet, a valuable asset for the frequent snowfalls in my northeast Minnesota location. The joystick steering, which I initially thought was a gimmick, has proven invaluable. I wholeheartedly recommend the Toro Power Max HD 828.

During my initial usage, I encountered some challenges. Squeezing the trigger grips resulted in arm pain and frustration, until I learned from a YouTube video that the auger lever should remain down when the other grip is lowered, improving the operation’s fluidity. However, I still encountered issues with the machine pulling to the left, a matter I’m still seeking a solution for.

In summary, the Toro Power Max HD 828 has significantly improved my snow-clearing efficiency. Its power, ease of use, and considerate design elements make it a reliable and worthwhile investment for anyone facing winter snow challenges.

  • Strong.
  • Heavy-duty use.
  • Built to last.
  • Self-propelled.
  • Anti-clogging system.
  • Steel made.
  • Ideal for the elderly.
  • Quite expensive.
  • Gas leakage.
  • Gear touches quickly.

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FAQs – Snowblowers

  1. Can my parents use a gas snowblower? Yes, your parents can use a gas snowblower, but this depends on the features of the snowblower, the level of snow it’ll be used on, and your parent’s age. For some older adults, electric snow blowers are better options to gas-powered units.
  2. What is better: a single-stage or two-stage snow blower? There’s no direct answer to this question, considering that each snow blower is suitable for certain tasks. However, we’d like to point out that a two-stage snow blower will have greater clearing ability than its single-stage counterpart.
  3. What’s the best gas to use in a snow blower? Experts recommend that you use gas with little or no added ethanol as it is perfect for small engines. Gas with an octane rating of 87 is okay for your snowblower.
  4. Should I use ethanol-free gas in my snowblower? Yes, you should use ethanol-free gas in your snowblower if you want to preserve the life of the engine.
  5. What is the easiest snowblower to use? Toro Power Max HD 828 is the best for use, especially for the elderly.

Wrapping Up

These are some of the most incredible snow blower solutions available for the elderly but before deciding on a brand, consider its cost, storage, capability, dependability, weight, and performance. After reading this article, which snowblower would you go for? Please leave a comment below.

Jessica Zander

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