This Gardener
Single Stage Vs. Two-Stage Snow Blowers

Single Stage vs Two-Stage Snow Blowers Comparison

There are many varying reasons why you could be considering getting a snowblower. Maybe you’ve just moved to a snowy region, or you would like to avoid the stress of clearing snow with a shovel every day. Once you’ve recognized the need for a snowblower in your home, you’re well on your way to purchasing one. However, the next step becomes figuring which stage you want. If you’re stuck in this stage, you’re not alone. Stick around, and you might find something new as we go head to head on our single-stage vs two-stage snow blowers comparison.

In this article, we’ll be comparing single-stage snow blowers to two-stage snowblowers, and we’ll be covering:

  1. What is a single-stage snow blower?
  2. What is a two-stage snow blower?
  3. What differentiates a single stage from a two-stage snow blower?
  4. Which snowblower is right for you?

Now that we’re clear, let’s get started


What is a Single Stage Snow Blower?

If you stay in a region with light snowfalls, then a single-stage snow blower will be the best choice for you. They are easy to operate and can clear snow all the way down. They only have one augur; the augur takes in snow and tosses it away from the cleared path. It is not as powerful as other snow blowers and, therefore, has limited capabilities. If you have to deal with snow that’s less than 8 inches, then this is the best snow blower for you. They also require less maintenance and are quite light, making it easy to maneuver them into tight spots. Note that you might face restrictions when using a single-stage snow blower on uneven surfaces.

Single Stage Vs. Two-Stage Snow Blowers 2

What is a Two-Stage Snow Blower?

A two-stage blower is a stronger version of the single-stage snowblower. It comes with two augurs and, therefore, handles more snow and can clear off tall, wet snowbanks. They are however pricier than single-stage snow blowers. They work perfectly on all kinds of the driveway, and since they don’t clear all the way to the ground, you can use them on gravel driveway because they won’t pick up gravel. One of the augers in a two-stage snow blower takes in the snow while the second auger launches the snow away. This is ideal for regions with heavy snowfall and usually have up to 20 inches of clearing width, covering large areas. They are usually weightier than single-stage, but unless it comes with a scraper, it will leave you with a thin layer to shovel off yourself.

What Differentiates a Single-Stage From a Two-Stage Snow Blower

The main difference between both snowblowers lies in the number of augers. While the single-stage only has one auger, the two-stage snow blower comes with two augers. The two-stage snow blower is more powerful and can throw tall snowbanks and clear broad areas. However, single-stage blowers have less power and can cover only a short space. It is meant for regions with light or moderate snowfall.

Single-Stage vs Two-Stage Snow Blowers: Which One is Right For You?

To determine this effectively, you need to consider the type of snowfall you usually experience. If you frequently experience heavy, wet snowfall, then you should go for a two-stage snowblower. If the winter in your region is mild, then you should go for a single-stage snowblower. Price is also a determinant of which is right for you; two-stage blowers are pricier than single-stage snow blowers. This is because they are explicitly built for heavy snow regions.

Jessica Zander

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